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Cht. De Laubade Armagnac Vintages
We are proud to offer vintages of Laubade BAS ARMAGNAC dating back to 1898! Each vintage Armagnac comes in a gift box as well.

These vintages are available on a special order basis only and not kept in the shop. Please inquire with us by email or phone call for more information and pricing to order.

email : info@corxwines.com
phone : 914 - 468 - 6138

The Laubade Hedonists

A special selection of 10 vintages from 1975 to 1998. The "cask strength" vintage (bruts de fut) are Bas Armagnacs of extreme high quality and scarcity that are bottled at their natural alcohol strength.
The Celebration Vintages

Chateau de Laubade only releases its vintages after 15 years of aging on oak casks from Gascony. This is a unique selection of single vintage rare Armagnacs that goes back to 50 years of age.
The Collection Vintages

Only vintages that are older than 50 years old are part of the most exclusive and prestigious range of Laubade. Most of them are allocated and others are available on special request only.
Chateau de Laubade BAS ARMAGNAC is the most awarded armagnac in the world.

Founded in 1870. Château de Laubade is an agricultural and winegrowing estate located in Sorbets, in the Gers, in the heart of the finest Bas Armagnac terroir.

White wines with no added sulfites are distilled just after alcoholic fermentation to retain their full aromatic potential, in a single “Armagnac-style” still, custom-built in 1974.

Each of the six grape varieties grown on the estate, including Baco, Ugni Blanc, Folle Blanche, and Colombard goes through this “single continuous distillation” process separately, controlled by our in-house distillers. Distillation follows the precise specifications of the cellarmaster, adapted to the characteristics of each vintage. The objective is to maximize the extraction of organoleptic compounds, thanks to exchanges between the wine and alcohol vapor in the distillation column. The alcohol content of the distillate is controlled by tasting and adapted to suit each grape variety.

Read more -> https://www.chateaudelaubade.com/en/